Junior Coaching Booking Form

Junior Coaching for 2024 is now open for booking

The coaching will take place between the following dates
Junior coaching 2024

Coaching will take place on the following dates between 10:00 and 13:00 (3 Hours)

4 Week Coaching
Week 1: August 11th
Week 2: August 18th
Week 3: August 25th
Week 4: September 1st

Additional 3 weeks for the 7 week course
Week 5: September 15th
Week 6: September 22nd
Week 7: September 29th

To book your Junior Coaching please fill in the following online form.
There are various sections for booking the course.
Fill in the details of the person booking the course
Participants name , current level of sailing
Tick to accept the terms and conditions
Indicate if you are currently a KSC member

Select either the 4 week or the 7 Week Option
Select your quantity (this will be the number of children taking part in the coaching)

Please note:
• Weather and numbers permitting, the junior coaching will run for the scheduled dates.
• Participants who miss a session/s will do so at their own cost and will not be rescheduled.
• Should the club cancel a session; the session will be rescheduled to run again as soon as possible.
• Junior coaching fees MUST be received by KSC in advance of the commencement date.

Booking conditions for courses/camps delivered at Killaloe Sailing Club

Cancellations will be charged €5 administration fee; those less than 2 weeks prior to the start of the coaching will incur a €20 fee.

No show: any person(s) who does/do not attend the course(s) booked will not be entitled to a refund.

Incomplete sessions: non-attendance or sessions not completed by choice will not be refunded.

Refunds: will be by Stripe refund

We at Killaloe Sailing Club take every precaution for your safety.
However, the activities on your programme are potentially hazardous and do carry an inherent risk. Persons participating in activities or courses do so voluntarily and at their own risk.

Please note the occurrence of particular weather conditions may lead to the cessation of certain activities. No claims shall be made against Killaloe Sailing Club in respect of injury or loss arising there from.

For further information:
Email: training@killaloesailingclub.com

We appreciate your time and effort to read and complete this booking form.