Killaloe Sailing Club has a number of different dinghy classes (types of boats) that it actively promotes.
The classes have been chosen to appeal to the greatest age and ability range and are all in well-known strong dinghy classes in Ireland. They range from boats that accommodate a single person to those that will take an entire family.
The most active classes currently are the Laser (single handed), RS 400s, RS 200s, RS Visions; Fireballs. For children, the following are popular: RS Fevas; RS Zests; Toppers (single-handed).
However, the club also welcomes the diversity provided by other sailing dinghies. So if you have a Firefly or an Enterprise gathering moths in the garage then bring it along and it will become another welcome member in the open class.
Very few members purchase a brand-new boat. If you are looking for a second-hand dinghy, the websites listed below might be useful in your search; or contact a club committee member who can spread the word by WhatsApp or word-of-mouth that you are on the look-out for a boat and who can also offer some advice before you purchase.
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